Ember.SimpleAuth 0.1.0

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anchorWhat changed?

The most significant change is the extraction of everything specific to specific authentication/authorization mechanisms (e.g. the default OAuth 2.0 implementation) into strategy classes which significantly improves customizability and extensibility. Instead of having to override parts of the library, using e.g. a custom authentication method is now as simple as specifying the class in the respective controller:

App.LoginController = Ember.Controller.extend(
    authenticator: App.CustomAuthenticator,

This makes implementations cleaner and also helps defining the public API that Ember.SimpleAuth will settle on in the long term.

Other changes include the introduction of store strategies (Ember.SimpleAuth comes with a cookie store that is equivalent to the old store, a store that uses the browser’s localStorage API and which is the new default as well as an in-memory store which is mainly useful for testing) as well as error handling/token invalidation, added callback actions like sessionInvalidationSucceeded etc. See the README and the API docs for complete documentation.


Upgrading will be pretty straight forward in most cases. The main change that could bite you is probably the change in Ember.SimpleAuth.setup’s signature. While it used to expect the container as well as the application instance, the container argument was dropped as it wasn’t actually needed. So in the initializer, change this:

  name: 'authentication',
  initialize: function(container, application) {
    Ember.SimpleAuth.setup(container, application);

to this:

  name: 'authentication',
  initialize: function(container, application) {

Also, as the login and logout actions in ApplicationRouteMixin were renamed to authenticateSession and invalidateSession, in your templates change this:

{{#if session.isAuthenticated}}
  <a {{ action="logout" }}>Logout</a>
  <a {{ action="login" }}>Login</a>

to this:

{{#if session.isAuthenticated}}
  <a {{ action="invalidateSession" }}>Logout</a>
  <a {{ action="authenticateSession" }}>Login</a>

Also the LoginControllerMixin’s login action was renamed to authenticate so in your login template change this:

<form {{action login on='submit'}}>

to this:

<form {{action authenticate on='submit'}}>

These are really the only changes needed if your application is using Ember.SimpleAuth’s default settings, the default OAuth 2.0 mechanism etc. For other scenarios, see the README, API docs and also the examples provided in the repository.


I hope that this release can pave the way towards a stable API for Ember.SimpleAuth. It would also be great of course if many people came up with authenticator and authorizer implementations for all kinds of backends to prove the design of Ember.SimpleAuth’s strategy approach as well as to build a library of ready-to-use strategies for the most common setups.

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