Feathers of a bird, maybe a phoenix

Elixir & Phoenix

Elixir and Phoenix form a modern and capable stack for building ambitious digital products of the future, based on an established foundation that has proven itself for decades.
Why Elixir & Phoenix

The best of all worlds

Elixir combines the expressiveness and simplicity of Ruby with the performance and stability of the Erlang VM. Phoenix builds on the concepts first introduced by Ruby on Rails, combining them with a number of architectural improvements to take the architecture into the future.

Mainmatter is a Founding sponsor of the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation.

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Early adoption, long-term commitment

Mainmatter was an early adopter of Elixir and Phoenix, offering trainings and leveraging the potential of the stack for our clients.

We support the Elixir Munich meetup, have been actively involved with conferences like ElixirConf and ElixirConf EU and are honored to be a Founding Sponsor of the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation.

Every new project gives us the opportunity to learn and grow our expertise. We share what we learn with the community via talks at conferences, at meetups and on our blog.

View our talks and check out our calendar for the next events

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Latest from our blog on the topic

  1. Rustler - Using Rust crates in Elixir

    February 1, 2023

  2. Bringing the Matrix Protocol to Elixir

    November 2, 2020

  3. Writing Rust NIFs for Elixir With Rustler

    June 25, 2020

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