Adopting Rust: present and future of the Rust Web Ecosystem - with Luca Palmieri

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Luca shared his personal experience with Rust adoption, starting with his work at TrueLayer, where he successfully transitioned from a predominantly C# environment to Rust, driven by the need for better maintainability, correctness, scalability, and latency. Despite initial concerns about hiring and lacking expertise, the project was a success, leading to enhanced job satisfaction, streamlined recruitment, and the creation of reliable and performant services.

Luca then talked about his book "Zero To Production In Rust: An Introduction To Backend Development" with which he aimed to bridge the gap between introductory resources and real-world application development in Rust. The book guides readers through the process of building a production-ready Rust application with a hands-on approach, covering crucial topics such as observability, testing, security, and more.

At AWS, the investment made in Rust is evident through their deployment of Rust code in critical products and services, Luca explained. Projects like Firecracker and the AWS SDK for Rust highlight the language's potential and AWS's belief in its usefulness.

While the challenges stemming from constantly evolving libraries and new versions persist, Rust has consistently demonstrated its potential for web services. Due to its expressive type system, safety features, and exceptional performance, the Rust Web ecosystem is currently gaining momentum, Luca and Marco agreed. With the continued investment from industry leaders like AWS, the ecosystem is certainly set to continue evolving in the future.

Rust's appeal is undeniable, positioning it as a compelling choice for a wide range of applications. As Rust continues to integrate into libraries and frameworks across ecosystems, developers increasingly reap the benefits of its power. Whether seeking predictable performance, improved scalability, or reduced infrastructure costs, Rust is a versatile language to consider when building high-performance and robust software solutions.

Check out the full interview below and don’t hesitate to contact us to learn how your company could benefit from adopting Rust.

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